Here is some news: I want to move to Juneau.
Before leaving Juneau this last time, I was playing with the idea of moving there. I let my mind wonder around the fun things, and the not so fun things (like snow, and dark, and snow, and getting stuck in snow), and before leaving I was okay with all of that. I talked with some friends who made the move and how it differed from their estimations. Once getting back, I started looking into it more. It didn't help that it was still in the low 90's in Carbondale, I'll be honest.
It was good to be back home, but I couldn't/ can't stop thinking about getting back there. Have you been? Have you seen the mountains and smelled the rain? Bald eagles hanging out like it's no big deal. Black bears are part of the downtown night life. Friends, community, fish. It's my kind of place. I like walking to work. I like drinking beer. I like hiking mountains and living with rain.
Before leaving Juneau a job was mentioned to me. When I got home, I forwarded my contact info to the boss lady, and along with her reply she brought up the position again. I decided to talk with her about it. I liked what we talked about. I'm now waiting for the Big Boss man to return from vacation so I can talk with him.
I've looked at ferry tickets. I've thought about what to do with my condo. I'm looking at apartment listings.
Nothing is decided and no papers have been signed.
I don't know if this is something that will be short term or long term. I'm not putting all my chips in, but part of me is hoping that it all works out. Part of me is freaked out if it all works out.
I moved to Illinois in 2005 freshly graduated from college and married. It's 2010 and I'm no where nearer to being ready to open my shop and I'm divorced. Illinois has a certain amount of baggage associated with it. Maybe I need more time. Maybe I just need to get over it, but the things I hated about Illinois in 2005 are still things I struggle with. Heat. Humidity. Heat. Flat. Land locked. And, of course, the heat. The summers I've passed in Illinois since 2007 (the time of The Deciding - more on that another time) have been: 2008- working 80 hours a week in an air conditioned restaurant; 2009 - I was in Juneau; 2010 - working the coffee shop until I couldn't take the 105 degree heaumidty (heat + humidity) and I went to AK for 7 weeks.
Good things came from all that inside time being camped in front of the air conditioner: I started sewing. I don't know what took me so long to bust out my Bernina, but Carbondale set that to motion. Thanks Carbondale. But a girl can't sew from April to October, all the day long.
Does living in IL mean leaving every summer to keep my sanity, not to mention regain any ability to act as something other than a cool air zombie? Maybe.
I don't know what will happen. I'm thinking about all parts of it pretty much non stop. All parts. Non stop.