Saturday, January 16

Happy birthday to me!

I am 27.

So far today, my mom and Martin called singing the traditional duet, my brother called from his computer from the Orlando airport, even though I couldn'thear him, the ominous cave noise let me know it was him, and text messages are pretty much continuously *dinging* in. My sister, dad, mom, and Dan' parents have all sent me mail and well wishes, that I was beyond excited about. I love mail! I love my birthday!

Today I'm going to make a cake, sew a new wallet, and stay at home. Next weekend will be the trip to Blono for Kristy's benefit drag show, and then birthday bowling to celebrate with my peeps.

My paper whites are big and beautiful just in time to be my birthday flowers, and they are smack in the middle of the dining table. However, that spot also happens to be Kodak and Baxter's thoroughfare when they get their chase on. I don't know if it will hold up for the day, but it's so darn pretty at the moment.

Other things that have made me happy in the past few days:

Enjoy the day! Drink some coffee and enjoy the little things :)


  1. Happy Birthday again - now that I have read your post!

    Are these flowers the ones from the earlier post that were just stems? I think it looks like the same box and if they are that has to be the coolest thing ever!

    Hope all is well and it sounds like you are really enjoying your new job! When you open your coffee shop someday - i want you to let me know so I can make plans to be there for the Grand Opening! I may not drink coffee, but I love the smell of it!

  2. Those are definitely the same flowers! They grow quick and die quick, but aren't they worth it?

    You will get an invitation to the grand opening, and also the demolition party, the painting party, the training party...


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